Monday, July 16, 2012

Believe On The Lord Jesus Christ

Believe On The Lord Jesus Christ
I am speaking as a Biblical Born-Again Evangelical Christian
Catholicism teaches that a person must go through the Catholic church to be saved, whether the person is aware of having gone through it or not. Catholicism teaches that the Catholic Church is necessary path for salvation, as well as works. Their catechism teaches that known rejection of the Catholic Church, results in a person going to hell. 

The word of God spells it out very clearly, what a person must do to be saved. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." There is no Catholic church in that. The bible never even mentions the Catholic Church or anything about it. The Catholic Church was not even in existence till the late fourth century. Some will try to say that it began with Peter and went from there. But the bible says nothing of the sort.

Actually the bible would never condone a church like the Catholic Church, as it is not a biblical church. The more you learn about the truths of Catholicism, the more you will see that the Catholic Church is not at all in line with the bible.

The Catholic church does not teach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ should tell you all you need to know about it not being a biblical church. Ask a devout Catholic if he could leave the Catholic Church and get to heaven by grace, through faith in Jesus. He will tell you that faith alone does not save a person, which goes totally against Acts 16:31.

Debra J.M. Smith 2012 

© Debra J.M. Smith